WRI - Weingarten Realty Investors
WRI stands for Weingarten Realty Investors
Here you will find, what does WRI stand for in Real Estate under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Weingarten Realty Investors? Weingarten Realty Investors can be abbreviated as WRI What does WRI stand for? WRI stands for Weingarten Realty Investors. What does Weingarten Realty Investors mean?The based company is located in engaged in real estate industry.
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Alternative definitions of WRI
- Wire Reinforcement Institute
- Wolfram Research, Inc.
- World Religions Index
- Western Research Institute
- Wire Reinforcement Institute
- Wildlife Research Institute
- Wales Radio International
View 58 other definitions of WRI on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- WB White to Brown
- W2WSPL Way 2 Wealth Securities Pvt Ltd
- WSH White Swan Hotel
- WHAESL WHA Electrical Services Ltd
- WMS Whitman Middle School
- WOWC Win Or Win Consulting
- WTL Wheelers Travel Ltd
- WCG Washington Capital Group
- WACI Work Activity Center Inc
- WHSE Women's Health in the South East
- WBC Woody Building Concepts
- WCCL WC Communications LLC
- WH The Wildwood Hotel
- WGIL What Group Investments Limited
- WCS West Construction Services